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1424 AIOU Solved Assignment 2 Autumn 2019-100% free |
AIOU Solved Assignments 2020
Subject English code: 1424
Assignment No # 2
Q: 1 Read about “compare & contrast” Carefully and do complete exercise 5(given on page 156-158).
- How are lions similar to cats? In what ways?
They both belong to the foliage family. Both covered with soft fur and long whiskers on the face. Both meat eating mammals and well-coordinated.
- How are lions different from cats? In what ways?
Lions are large fierce, powerful beats and look frightened: cats are small, quiet, gentel and domesticated look wise.
- What are the similarities and difference between the two animals?
Biologically speaking, they are very similar. If you look at the skeleton and internal organs, a lion is basically just a scaled-up cat. However, in lions part of the hyoid apparatus in the throat is made of cartilage, whereas in cats it is bone – this is what enables lions to roar. Also, lions have round pupils in their eyes, whilst cats have ones which contract to slits in bright light.
Lions differ from all other cat species in that they have a tuft of hair on the end of their tails, and the males have a thick mane of fur around the neck. This serves to protect the male’s throat during fights, and to make him appear larger and more threatening to rivals and more attractive to females.
The lion’s social structure is also unique. Whilst all other cats are predominantly solitary (except for male cheetahs, which may band together with their brothers), lions live in groups called prides. The pride consists of related females and their cubs, and between one and eight males (two to four is most common). The males are often (but not always) related to each other, but are not related to the females (young males leave their natal pride when they reach sexual maturity, and take over a pride of their own. This prevents inbreeding). The females do the majority of the hunting for the pride, though contrary to popular belief the males do sometimes join in, particularly when hunting large prey such as buffalo. The male’s main role in the pride is to defend the territory and protect the cubs from invading males.
Cats (felines) are a type of animal or a group of animals. The most familiar cat to you is probably the household pet cat and this is a type of the animal group of cats (or felines). A lion is part of the cat group as well as tigers, panthers and jaguars. These are obviously much bigger than little friendly pet cats . Lions actually belong to the family of cats. So since they are big and cats, they are called big cats!
- Write the difference between Moths & Butterflies?
A moth and a butterfly sure can look alike, and they both belong to the same insect family (Lepidoptera) but there are a few differences to look for so that you can tell them apart:
Butterflies usually rest with their wings closed, while moths rest with their wings open.
Butterflies have long, thin antenna, while moths have shorter feathery antennas.
Butterflies generally gather food during the day while moths are seen more at nighttime.
Most moths make a silky cocoon, while butterflies usually make a shiny chrysalis
Lions differ from all other cat species in that they have a tuft of hair on the end of their tails, and the males have a thick mane of fur around the neck. This serves to protect the male’s throat during fights, and to make him appear larger and more threatening to rivals and more attractive to females.
The lion’s social structure is also unique. Whilst all other cats are predominantly solitary (except for male cheetahs, which may band together with their brothers), lions live in groups called prides. The pride consists of related females and their cubs, and between one and eight males (two to four is most common). The males are often (but not always) related to each other, but are not related to the females (young males leave their natal pride when they reach sexual maturity, and take over a pride of their own. This prevents inbreeding). The females do the majority of the hunting for the pride, though contrary to popular belief the males do sometimes join in, particularly when hunting large prey such as buffalo. The male’s main role in the pride is to defend the territory and protect the cubs from invading males.
Cats (felines) are a type of animal or a group of animals. The most familiar cat to you is probably the household pet cat and this is a type of the animal group of cats (or felines). A lion is part of the cat group as well as tigers, panthers and jaguars. These are obviously much bigger than little friendly pet cats . Lions actually belong to the family of cats. So since they are big and cats, they are called big cats!
Q 2: Read about the text title as “what’s good for you” Carefully and Complete Exercise 7?
I think this is a good contrast essay because it is describing differences of fresh and frozen foods.
Fresh produce
We can describe a fruit or vegetable as fresh if it’s either “postharvest ripened” (i.e., if it ripens during transport) or “vine ripened” (i.e., if it is picked and sold ripe, as at a farm’s fresh market or a farmer’s roadside fruit stand).
You might expect vine-ripened produce to be more nutritious, since it has more time to absorb nutrients from the soil — and in some cases, it is. But plants absorb a large percentage of the most crucial minerals during the early stages of growth, and fruits and vegetables can still synthesize macronutrients and micronutrients during postharvest ripening.
Several studies suggest that postharvest-ripened produce is nutritionally equivalent to vine-ripened produce — and in some cases, even better. The nutritional content of either kind of produce will depend on a host of other factors, including soil, season, weather, farming method, and storage conditions and duration.
Frozen produce
In general, frozen produce is fully vine ripened and undergo only minimal processing. Most vegetables and some fruits undergo blanching in hot water for a few minutes before freezing, in order to inactivate enzymes that may cause unfavorable changes in color, smell, flavor, and nutritional value
Although blanching can leach out minerals and break down biomolecules like vitamins, postharvest-ripened produce and blanched frozen produce have very similar overall nutritional content. The main impact of blanching seems to be on taste: certain fruits and vegetables have that unique just-picked flavor, which the blanching-freezing process greatly reduces.
Q 3. Read about “comparison and contrast’ carefully and do complete exercise 1(given on page 150)?
- Shagufta loves cats. Her husband hates them.
Ans: Shagufta loves cats. Whereas, her husband hates them.
- The winters in muree are cold and snowy. The summers are pleasant and breezy.
Ans; the winters in muree are cold and snowy. As opposed to the summers are pleasant and breezy.
- Salman speaks English very well. His wife speaks it poorly.
Ans: Salman speaks English very well. His wife speaks it poorly.
- Allama Iqbal Open University is located in Islamabad. Fatima Jinnah Women University is in Rawalpindi.
Ans: Allama Iqbal Open University is located in Islamabad. On the other hand Fatima Jinnah Women University is in Rawalpindi.
- Most of the earth’s surface is covered by water. The surface of the moon is entirely dry.
Ans: Most of the earth’s surface is covered by water. In contrast to the surface of the moon is entirely dry.
- Boddy weighs 150 pounds. His friend’s jeddy weighs 200 pounds.
Ans: Bobby weighs 150 pounds. But his friend’s jeddy weighs 200 pounds.
Q 4: Read about ‘academic reading” on page 183-185. Now briefly explain the following terms with appropriate examples.
- Academic reading.
- Reading techniques
- Previewing and predicting
- Skimming and scanning
- Guessing meaning from context
Academic reading.
Reading in an academic context is different from everyday reading. Academic reading requires a more active, probing and recursive strategy than does recreational reading. It is an essential skill for completing a written assignment.
Reading strategically is integral to the process of understanding your topic, finding research materials, and developing your ideas.
- Academic reading involves layers of
- Asking question
- Reflecting on relationships among parts of the text
- Interpreting meaning
- Making connections with other readings
- Refining your topic and purpose
Reading techniques:
Reading is written or printed material that can be looked at and understood.
An example of reading is books or magazines.
Previewing and predicting:
Previewing reviewing titles, heading and photo captions to get a sense of the structure and content of a reading selection.
Predicting: using knowledge of the subject matter to make predictions about the content.
Skimming and Scanning:
Skimming and scanning are reading techniques that use rapid eye movement and keywords to move quickly through text for slightly different purposes. Skimming is reading rapidly in order to get a general overview of the material. Scanning is reading rapidly in order to find specific facts. While skimming tells you what general information is within a section, scanning helps you locate a particular fact. Skimming is like snorkeling, and scanning is more like pearl diving.
Use skimming in previewing (reading before you read), reviewing (reading after you read), determining the main idea from a long selection you don’t wish to read, or when trying to find source material for a research paper.
Use scanning in research to find particular facts, to study fact-heavy topics, and to answer questions requiring factual support.
Q.5 Keeping in mind the pre-reading activities given in the unit, complete Exercise 8 (given on page 198). Look at the picture carefully and write down a paragraph of about 100 words predicting and guessing about the background of the picture.
Answer:- Predictions:
This is the picture of routine flag waving ceremony on Wagah Border in Lahore. In which two soldiers are representing their country. Both soldiers are showing courage, bravery and glory on behalf of their countries and trying to show each other that we are alert and always ready to defend our country.
Answer:- Predictions:
This is the picture of routine flag waving ceremony on Wagah Border in Lahore. In which two soldiers are representing their country. Both soldiers are showing courage, bravery and glory on behalf of their countries and trying to show each other that we are alert and always ready to defend our country.
Q.6 Read about the story titled as “A Merchant and his servant” on Pages 235-236. Now complete Exercise 7 (only Section 1 that is filling out the chart) given on Page 244.
Q1. Why was the servant frightened?
Ans. The servant was frightened because he thought that death has come to take him and that he will die.
Q2. What did the servant think would have happened to him if the woman had laid her hand on him?
Ans. The servant thought that if the woman had laid her hand on him, she would either harm him and he would collapse and immediately die.
Q3. How did the servant recognize the woman?
Ans. When the servant was seriously sick with fever two years ago and was nearly dying, he must have either seen her (death) in his dream or have actually seen her. And then once again when a mad man threw a knife at him that nearly killed him at that time too he had seen this woman. So the servant knew that she was actually the angel of death.
Q4. What did the woman mean when she said to the merchant that she did not intend to take the servant in Baghdad as she was expecting him in Samara tonight?
Ans. The woman who is the angel of death told the merchant that his servant has to actually die in Samara and not in Baghdad so every time she came across him she was surprised that how come the servant is in Baghdad as she was expecting to take him (or that the servant will die) in samara.
Q5. What is the main point of this story?
Ans. The main point of this story is that God plans everything. There is a time and place for everything even death. Although the servant was close to dying when he was sick and when a knife struck him that was not his time to die. No one can avoid death, it has to eventually come one cannot run away from it.
Q1. Why was the servant frightened?
Ans. The servant was frightened because he thought that death has come to take him and that he will die.
Q2. What did the servant think would have happened to him if the woman had laid her hand on him?
Ans. The servant thought that if the woman had laid her hand on him, she would either harm him and he would collapse and immediately die.
Q3. How did the servant recognize the woman?
Ans. When the servant was seriously sick with fever two years ago and was nearly dying, he must have either seen her (death) in his dream or have actually seen her. And then once again when a mad man threw a knife at him that nearly killed him at that time too he had seen this woman. So the servant knew that she was actually the angel of death.
Q4. What did the woman mean when she said to the merchant that she did not intend to take the servant in Baghdad as she was expecting him in Samara tonight?
Ans. The woman who is the angel of death told the merchant that his servant has to actually die in Samara and not in Baghdad so every time she came across him she was surprised that how come the servant is in Baghdad as she was expecting to take him (or that the servant will die) in samara.
Ans. The main point of this story is that God plans everything. There is a time and place for everything even death. Although the servant was close to dying when he was sick and when a knife struck him that was not his time to die. No one can avoid death, it has to eventually come one cannot run away from it.
Q.7 Carefully read the text titled as “Life in the Indus valley” (as given on Pages 238-243) Now complete Exercise 9 (only Section 1 that is filling out the chart) given on Page 244.
Part 1: We hope that you have learnt about the features of the Indus Valley civilization from Indarti’s experiences. Now you will use the information from the story to help you complete the following table.
Part 2: Read these lines from the story and then for each quotation try and infer what the writer is trying to tell us.
at Why the Indus valley which once so fertile and prosperous has now become a barren desert?
Ans: Due to winding and River Indus this valley turned into desert.
Q2. What does the writer mean by this expression ‘they could travel as slow as their slowest cart’?
Ans: The writer means that they had to follow the slowest cart because of their luggage. They had no choke. Q3. Why was Indrati upset to see the birds? What thought made her sad? Ans: She thought that these people of ship will eat these birds. Q4. What was the religious significance of the great bath? What did people think about the water? Ans: The people used it for religious purpose because they believed that the water is great purifies. QS. Why did Indrati’s father Avara wear seal around his neck? What was its use or importance in those ancient times?
Ans: Avara went in search of his seal and carefully arranged it around his neck. Every trader had to have one. It was like a signature. It showed importance in the community.
Q6. In the story ‘Life in the Indus Valley’ you learned why birds were taken aboard the ships. Today ships do not carry birds for this purpose. What has replaced the birds?
Ans: The latest technology has replaced the birds. Computerized compasses work as travel guide for ships now-a-days.
Q7. The towns of the Indus Valley were cleaner, and a healthier place to live, than many cities of other civilizations of the time. Choose a quotation from the story that supports this view.
Ans: There are many places where author proffered Indus valley on others, as where he told that they can see in light of early morning, it means there was no pollution. The buildings, the sewerage system and coastal area. Anyone prefer this place.
Part 1: We hope that you have learnt about the features of the Indus Valley civilization from Indarti’s experiences. Now you will use the information from the story to help you complete the following table.
at Why the Indus valley which once so fertile and prosperous has now become a barren desert?
Ans: Due to winding and River Indus this valley turned into desert.
Q2. What does the writer mean by this expression ‘they could travel as slow as their slowest cart’?
Ans: The writer means that they had to follow the slowest cart because of their luggage. They had no choke. Q3. Why was Indrati upset to see the birds? What thought made her sad? Ans: She thought that these people of ship will eat these birds. Q4. What was the religious significance of the great bath? What did people think about the water? Ans: The people used it for religious purpose because they believed that the water is great purifies. QS. Why did Indrati’s father Avara wear seal around his neck? What was its use or importance in those ancient times?
Ans: Avara went in search of his seal and carefully arranged it around his neck. Every trader had to have one. It was like a signature. It showed importance in the community.
Q6. In the story ‘Life in the Indus Valley’ you learned why birds were taken aboard the ships. Today ships do not carry birds for this purpose. What has replaced the birds?
Ans: The latest technology has replaced the birds. Computerized compasses work as travel guide for ships now-a-days.
Ans: There are many places where author proffered Indus valley on others, as where he told that they can see in light of early morning, it means there was no pollution. The buildings, the sewerage system and coastal area. Anyone prefer this place.
Q.8 Read about “Denotation and Connotation” given on Pages 249-260. Now carefully define the following terms with appropriate examples. 1. Positive connotation 2. Negative connotation 3. Denotation 4. Thesaurus 5. Dictionary
Answer:-1. Positive connotation Positive connotation means the meaning of a word we commonly understand in good shades. For example “I am proud to be a Pakistan” “Proud” word is used here in good shade. It is called positive connotation 2. Negative connotation
Negative connotation means, the meaning of a word we commonly understand in bad shades. For example
“He is proud for his wealth”
The word proud used here in bad shades, this kind of connotation called Negative connotation.
- Denotation
Denotation means the real and diction meaning of a word. Which can be verified by any dictionary, for example we used different words for a fat man, as fluffy, chubby, unshaped and heavy. But “Fat” is the actual word which actual meaning is overweight person according dictionary.
- Thesaurus
This is the dictionary which has many synonyms meaning of a word. For example a word “proud” used in different shades like, feeling good, prejudice feeling, famed and many more.
- Dictionary
Dictionary is a collection of words which give synonyms meaning of word it pronunciation and sound. It can be in two languages oxford and twentieth century dictionaries are famous.
“He is proud for his wealth”
The word proud used here in bad shades, this kind of connotation called Negative connotation.
Denotation means the real and diction meaning of a word. Which can be verified by any dictionary, for example we used different words for a fat man, as fluffy, chubby, unshaped and heavy. But “Fat” is the actual word which actual meaning is overweight person according dictionary.
This is the dictionary which has many synonyms meaning of a word. For example a word “proud” used in different shades like, feeling good, prejudice feeling, famed and many more.
Dictionary is a collection of words which give synonyms meaning of word it pronunciation and sound. It can be in two languages oxford and twentieth century dictionaries are famous.
Q.9 Keeping in mind the definitions of “Denotation and Connotation” given on pages 249-260. Complete exercise 8 (given on page 270).
Answer: I politician—— statesman ,_____.2 chef — cook 3. old age –golden years … 4. woman — lady 5. boss — superior 6. job —- career 7. doctor —- physician .8. rich —- wealthy … 9. taste —– flavor 9 car technician — car mechanic 10— chauffeur—-driver 11 V isolation —- privacy
Q.10 Select your faviourite English newspaper and carefully read it. Now complete exercise 10 given on page 309.
Name of the Newspaper Paper Number
International News 5
sports story 5
TV Listing 4
Crossword Puzzle 4
Job Advertisement 4
Entertainment News 3
Stock Market Rates 6
Crime News 6
Education News 2
Name of the Newspaper Paper Number
International News 5
Q.11 write a letter to the editor of your faviourite English daily and point out one burning issue of your city.
Answer: –
November 13, 2019
Respected Editor
Daily Dawn,
I am keeping hearing these days about different tests, SAT, NAT, LAT and NTS test. I am not agreeing with this system. It’s a burning question of every student. He did hard work whole the year and obtained good marks. Are these marks not valuable? Why this tests forcefully applied on student. It is a useless act. When a student scored good marks, coming up to merit then why he has to enter in this kind of test — law aptitude test applied on a lawyer when he complete his three or five year studies and passed all the exams with aggregate. Then why his all studies and hard work treat as useless act. This is the injustice which could be opposed. Why we are making education tough and lengthy.
I hope you will consider this issue and take necessary action about it
Zain Pervez
Answer: –
I am keeping hearing these days about different tests, SAT, NAT, LAT and NTS test. I am not agreeing with this system. It’s a burning question of every student. He did hard work whole the year and obtained good marks. Are these marks not valuable? Why this tests forcefully applied on student. It is a useless act. When a student scored good marks, coming up to merit then why he has to enter in this kind of test — law aptitude test applied on a lawyer when he complete his three or five year studies and passed all the exams with aggregate. Then why his all studies and hard work treat as useless act. This is the injustice which could be opposed. Why we are making education tough and lengthy.
I hope you will consider this issue and take necessary action about it
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